Company Profile
Source:    Publish Time: 2014-01-02 14:22   2664 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px

Glocom specializes in mobile satellite telecom equipment design and manufacturing since 1992.

Glocom specializes in mobile satellite telecom equipment design and manufacturing since 1992.

We do mostly Inmarsat-based digital system design including Inmarsat B, C, M, mM, GAN and BGAN developing both user terminals and satellite earth station (SAS) channel modem products. 

We position ourselves as an OEM for others in the mobile satcom industry. Notable cases include 4,000 note-book size Inmarsat M portable UT 16 years ago; nearly 7,000 FBB below deck units to a prominent maritime partner in the past 3 years; and over 1,200 channel modem cards for 9 land earth stations (LES). 

Glocom will continue its OEM role helping others to make cheaper and more powerful mobile satellite terminals in the future.  

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